Celebrating Mom: A 90th Birthday Bash to Remember!

As Mother’s Day approaches, my heart swells with love and gratitude for a very special woman in my life: my Mother-in-law, Virginia Sasso. This year, we celebrated her 90th birthday in a way that filled the room with joy, love, and memories to cherish for a lifetime....

Second Quarter is Here! Review Your 2024 Goals Now!

Optimize your strategy with our guide on setting and achieving Second Quarter 2024 Goals. As we step into April, it’s a pivotal time to assess and recalibrate your objectives to ensure you’re on track for success this year. Our focused article provides expert tips on evaluating your progress, identifying areas for improvement, and making informed adjustments to your goals. This is your chance to harness the momentum of spring and strategically advance towards your targets for 2024. Read more about how to stay aligned with your aspirations and ensure you meet your year-end targets.

March is the Month for Luck and for Our Many Blessings in 2024!

In March, as we don the green and celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, it’s a perfect time to reflect on the role of luck in our lives. This month, often associated with the start of spring and new beginnings, brings with it the promise of luck and the reminder of our many blessings. But is luck merely a chance occurrence, or is it something we can cultivate through hard work and determination? Join me as we explore the essence of luck, how it has played a pivotal role in personal and professional milestones, and how we can all harness the “Luck of the Irish” to create our own fortunate moments. Whether you’re searching for inspiration to invite more luck into your life or curious about how to recognize and appreciate the blessings already surrounding you, this post is your guide to celebrating luck in March and beyond.


Happy Holidays! Both Christmas and Hanukah are just days away.  Whatever you celebrate, enjoy the festivities with your family and friends.  It is not often that both holidays start on the same date.   This year’s Holiday photo (below) is the three of...


From our family to yours, wishing you happy & healthy holidays.   With gratitude and best wishes,Lisa Sasso, Executive Coach & Motivational Speaker


November is the Perfect Time to Give Thanks! It is the right season, Thanksgiving, to remember family, friends and loved ones.  Just let them know how valuable and important they are to you. t is a perfect time for me to thank my clients and my readers for being...


October is for Orange.  October is the time for change. It is the one month that you actually associate with a color.  You also see the leaves changing everywhere, turning orange.  The pumpkins on staircases and around the houses are orange. ...


It is the week before Labor Day and the kids just went back to school today in my town. However, there are still a few weeks of summer weather on the calendar.  Fall will not be coming for another month. Enjoy summer now.  You can reminisce about the past few months...


“Safely delivering my child into the world (against all odds) is by far my greatest achievement in life!  I am so happy to have him healthy and grateful that he is doing so well.  He is my little miracle.”– Lisa Sasso chievement means different things to different...


“I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.” -Thomas Jefferson Many people consider individuals that win contests, jackpots or any drawing as having luck. I was TSA pre-check on my recent trip which means I was randomly selected...


“Insanity: doing things over and over again and expecting a different outcome.” -Albert Einstein Leap into the New Year!  Do something new!  Set real meaningful goals and keep them.  Achieve things that you have always wanted to accomplish. ...


Don’t dwell on what went wrong.  Instead, focus on what to do next.  Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer.” Denis Waitley Happy New Year! It is the start of a New Year, 2016.  A beautiful blank canvas where you can...

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