“I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.” -Thomas Jefferson
Many people consider individuals that win contests, jackpots or any drawing as having luck.
- I was TSA pre-check on my recent trip which means I was randomly selected by American Airlines to skip lines, avoid the body scanners and keep my shoes on. I felt very lucky. This random selection saved us about 45 minutes of lines in and out of the country. Time is money and this was completely unexpected. It was luck.
Other people view themselves as lucky by the title or position that they have earned and achieved in regards to the work that they do. Still, others think people are lucky if they have certain material things (e.g., a special car, house, jewelry, gadgets, etc.)
How do you measure luck? The readers of this message realize that the luckiest people around have good health and surround themselves with special people, their family & friends, that truly love them for who they are and treat others the same way.

This week I felt like one of the luckiest women in the world. I was enjoying a tropical paradise vacation with my husband, John, for his very special 50th Birthday. We completely unplugged from work. I didn’t even bring my computer. It was a last minute decision to take it out of my suitcase as we pulled into the airport. But, it was the right choice. Sometimes you have to go with your gut.
Spending quality time with our spouses or partners is so critical. It can also be refreshing and fun. It was a second honeymoon 24 years later. This was the first time that we had gone away for a full week alone since our son was born.

We are lucky or rather I call it blessed to have such a great extended family. They stayed at our home and cared for our darling son while we were away. John Robert enjoyed his first slumber party at a friend’s house, 2 days with each set of Grandparents, 2 days with each of his Godparents, and a night with my cousin John who hung out with him until they picked us up from the airport. He was well taken care of and spoiled. (Movies, restaurants, Dave & Buster’s, Games.) He had a ball and everyone that watched him enjoyed him. We had nothing to worry about, he was safe and in very good hands. Now, if that isn’t luck, I don’t know what is?
Remember, you create your own luck. Both John and I do not gamble, but our resort had a casino and gave us each $10 play cards. Remarkably, we played them for over an hour and cashed out with more than the $10 that they gave us. So that was a win, even if it is just a little win. That was fun.
You can’t win the megabucks if you don’t buy a ticket. That is also true in life. You can’t truly appreciate what is most important in life if you don’t step up to the plate and take a swing. You may win some and you may lose some, but the most important thing is to make the attempt.

I had a fabulous time with John and we will never forget his special birthday and how lucky we were to have this extraordinary time together. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t appreciate having my husband and incredible son, four sets of healthy parents, friends, siblings and relatives in my life. We are truly blessed. That is why I feel we are lucky! That is what really matters. I am also fortunate to be a coach. I love the job and really enjoy working with my fabulous clients. Many have become friends. Satisfied and fulfilling work makes a big difference in your life. Life is too short. Enjoy what you do. Maintain a good balance in your life.
Please take a moment, think about how lucky or blessed are you right now? Write down or ponder the first things that come to your mind. Are you in good health? Do you have people around you that love and support you? Are you happy doing the work that you do? Do you have a good balance in your life? If you have those things then you too are very lucky. Celebrate!
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
With gratitude and best wishes,
Lisa Sasso, Executive Coach & Motivational Speaker