“I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.” – Wayne Gretzky
Last month I wrote about football and this month I turn to hockey with Wayne Gretzky’s famous quote about not skating to where the puck has been, but rather to skate to where the puck is going to be. I see that signed Cam Neely shirt in my son’s room every day when I make the beds and it reminds me of his famous quote.

Since I am talking about Hockey, I can’t help but mention that Arlington High School won over Central Catholic in 2-1 in overtime. It was a real nail biter. It could have gone either way. The victory gave the Arlington Spy Ponders the Super 8 Championship; that means they are State Champs. Way to go Arlington! For anyone that doesn’t know John and I both grew up in Arlington and we met at Arlington High School. Both of our parents still reside in Arlington. My older brother Bob is Mr. Arlington and he is involved in many activities and with so many groups in Arlington. Yes, the Arlington roots are deep.
So why am I telling you all this? The Arlington Spyponders did a great job. When a team gets together to accomplish a goal then they can do it with ease and they do it with cooperation. Behind every good team is usually a great coach. Just like in real life behind every real good person there is usually a great coach guiding the person to personal and professional victories. They help them to achieve their goals in life. Do you have a coach in your life helping you achieve your personal and professional goals? Do you have someone that can assist you in your game of life? Do you have a confidante, a mentor, or an accountability partner? If you do, good for you. If you do not, it isn’t too late.
Anyone that plays on a team understands that every player is important and it is the actions of everyone that make a team great. The Patriots have mastered this to a science, with the help of their well-known coach Bill Belichick. Arlington’s Hockey team did so as well. Well, there are so many lessons that we can learn from each of them. First, there is no “I” in team; every player is important. Second, even super players can have tough stressful days and fans need to maintain their faith. Third, that the coach is a valuable part of the team and is the glue that leads the team to victory.
If you don’t have a coach you can easily get one. To learn more about coaching with Lisa, please visit Lisa’s coaching website page by clicking here. For words of wisdom from Lisa on teamwork, visit her leadership website page by clicking here.
With gratitude and best wishes,
Lisa Sasso, Executive Coach & Motivational Speaker