Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.” -Robert Louis Stevenson
This past weekend we celebrated Mother’s Day by paying homage to all moms including my mom, my mother-n-law, my sister-n-law and myself. We had the family together and none of the moms had to cook, clean or do dishes. We tried to find a restaurant, but no one was willing to reserve 20 seats on Mother’s Day and we were not going to sit and wait until they could accommodate us. So, we did the next best thing, we ordered Chinese food and ate in the convenience of our home.

It was much more of a relaxing atmosphere and my mother was not overstimulated. In the last several years my mom has been suffering from Alzheimer’s. My mother exemplifies living in the moment as her short term memory is unfortunately completely gone. But she is still very much with us. I hope and pray that someday there will be a cure for this terrible disease. I am just lucky that I still have my mother and mother-n-law in my life. Do you have a mother or mother-n-law in your life? Do you have a daughter, daughter-n-law, or sister-in-law in your life? All of these people are responsible for bringing life into the world and because of that, we should be truly grateful.

I know that being a mom is the best job in the world. My son is in 4th grade and this Friday we are going to a beach (Plum Island) to study marine life. He asked me to be a chaperone. I was so touched. I know that soon he will probably say something different. He is the most incredible kid. He is sensitive, loving and caring. He says what he feels. He made his Nana’s happy with the cards he made for them, and I loved the beautiful card that he made me. Why is it that it is the little things that mean the most? I hope that you had a Happy Mother’s Day for you or your spouse. Mother’s Day is the one day that we actually honor our mothers and all the unselfish acts they have done for us throughout the years. Sorry that this is late, but Mother’s Day wishes are not forgotten.
With gratitude and best wishes,
Lisa Sasso, Executive Coach & Motivational Speaker