“Whether it’s St. Patrick’s Day or not, everyone has a little luck o’ the Irish in them.”
—Laura Sommers
Hello, friends! It’s March, spring is almost here, and I’m eager to share with you how lucky this March has already been for my family so far. In the past 2 weeks we’ve been blessed with 2 very special events involving our son John Robert.
The first event was his performance in his very first significant play. While he’s certainly an already seasoned actor – having appeared onstage in over 50 musicals – nevertheless, starring in the play “CLUE” was something new for him. It was the biggest production of his career. In his role as Wadsworth, the butler, John Robert had over 300 lines and several significant monologues. In this comical murder mystery that centers on a dinner party where several murders took place, John Robert, as the leading man, tried to put all the pieces together and solve the mystery.
All the kids up there onstage did very well, performing to sold-out crowds on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday (we were very lucky that the snowstorm on Thursday only cancelled one of the scheduled performances). They had all worked so hard for 8 weeks, rehearsing daily, and it was clear that they all put their hearts into their characters.
The second event, last weekend, was also truly special. It was the day John Robert received the sacrament of Confirmation at St. Patrick’s Church in Stoneham. My brother, Bob, was his sponsor. After the ceremony, we hosted 30 people at our house for appetizers, dinner, and desserts.
It’s so great getting people together for good occasions. It only snowed early Saturday morning, and we were lucky to make it to the church for the 1 pm service, because the roads were so slippery. But then, by the time the service was over the going was much smoother, and people were able to get to our house in time for the party.
This sacrament marked a special milestone for John Robert. He was reaffirming his baptismal rites and personally accepting his faith as an adult in the Catholic Church. My husband John and I were quite proud of him.
After these two major events, I came down with Covid. Luckily, John Robert managed to avoid Covid and just had a head cold. I guess he has a stronger immune system. We were all exposed to the same people, but John Robert was also exposed to the various actors in the play as well as the various kids who were being confirmed along with him. But he did not get it. John Robert was unstoppable!
Switching gears, I wanted to share an interesting statistic with you. Did you know that 82-85% of people find their jobs through networking? This is an updated figure, and it seems very high. Only a very small percentage of people get their jobs from cold calling, ads, or resumes.
I tell you this because now is a great time to assess where you are and where you want to be with your career. Many companies are looking for dedicated, hardworking people at all levels. Although I focus on Medical Devices Professionals, I can point you in the right direction if you’re in a different field. I have observed many new opportunities for the right people. If you can spare 15 minutes and meet with me by phone for a mini-consult, I can tell you more. https://bookme.name/LisaSasso.
As you can see, at least for me and my family, March is definitely a month for luck! So far, we’ve been spared in two separate snow storms, plus our wonder boy avoided Covid and he performed like a pro in CLUE. I am one very proud mom. Take a minute and think of when and how your child, your sibling and/or your pet did something amazing. It’s that kind of feeling!