Three years ago in November 2010, John Robert had his successful Open Heart Surgery. He will be going back to Children’s Hospital next week for his annual follow-up. He is doing great. God is good.
Wishing you and your Family a very Happy Thanksgiving!
This year I am thankful for LIFE and for the Red Sox winning the 2013 World Series!
I also appreciate my family, friends, and clients. Thank you for the great recommendations and support. Just this week I received four new client recommendations and two of them have already taken action and purchased a program/assessment on my website. Thank you!
Finally, I am very grateful that in 2013 my son is only driving the Antique cars at Canobie Lake Park.
Please take a moment to think about what you are thankful for this holiday. Feel free to share it with me or with the people that you love as you enjoy your special meal together this Thursday.
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With gratitude and best wishes,
Lisa Sasso, Executive Coach