A special Thanksgiving greeting.
This is a perfect time to express my sincere appreciation for your confidence, friendship and loyalty. I am both grateful and thankful to have you in my life. I wish you and your family a very Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving – 2012
What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving? What does Thanksgiving mean to you?
There are some things that we could give thanks to every day, but do we? How many people honestly make the time to reflect and be thankful? Thanksgiving is a day when people are both thankful and appreciative.
Let’s do a fun exercise, please list what you are most thankful for in your life right now? Your list can be short or long. It really doesn’t matter. Take a moment to reflect on, why you chose the people, places, things or situations that you did.
I ran a similar exercise with my son’s Kindergarten class last week where kids told me one thing that they were thankful for. Kids can be very intuitive and grounded. They are always curious, bright and quite sensitive. It is fascinating what you can learn from a child. Kids can be teachers. They teach by doing.
Many kids said they are thankful for their families and friends. God was also mentioned. One child said their house (and in light of Hurricane Sandy this month- this kid got the message), another said money (that is the future Donald Trump of the class)! Still others chose their pets, sharks, toys and clothes. My son said his mommy. I wanted him to think bigger, however, I really appreciate the love and the bond between my son and me. It is always interesting hearing what kids say and understanding the why.
Is there anyone in your life that you would like to personally thank? Is there someone that has made an impact on you, your family or your life this year?
Well, as the Nike slogan says, “Just do it!” Don’t put off today what you may or may not be able to do tomorrow. Remember to take action, seize the day and enjoy your Turkey.
If you asked me, what I am most thankful for this year?
I would have to say, my healthy family. I feel like if you don’t have your health, what do you have? Without a doubt, my boys are the loves of my life the little one, (that I birthed) and the big one (that I married). However, on Nov 4th 2010 my little guy had open heart surgery. He was in the hospital for two weeks and we were grateful to be home in time for a quiet Thanksgiving. I cannot begin to express how much the emails, cards and calls meant to us during this time. We were blessed to have such great support from family, friends and neighbors. I believe in the power of prayer and I know firsthand that it worked. The Children’s Hospital Care Page messages that we sent/received daily made the long days and the stress of staying at the hospital both bearable and memorable. I will always be thankful to those people as well as his nurses, doctors and surgeons at Children’s Hospital that took amazing care of him.
Thanks to all my business owners & consultants?
Who are you thankful and appreciative of? I hope that you are saying, your clients! If you don’t have clients or customers then do you really have a business?
Don’t wait until the December to thank your customers. Be top of mind to the people that you care most about. Make sure that your customers and employees know how much they mean to you. I have been sending customers thank you cards to clients for Thanksgiving for the last 15 years. If it is sincere and personal, it will be appreciated and remembered.
Thank you to my clients! You rock
I would like to welcome 4 new clients that started coaching with me this month. Let me also extend my congratulations to 3 of my existing clients – one that secured a new position at her current company and two that landed new jobs in November. Yes, I am celebrating you and am both thankful & grateful to work with all of you. Continued success as we meet new challenges together!