Doesn’t it feel great to give as opposed to receive?
Doesn’t the act of sharing your gifts or helping others achieve truly nurture your soul? We have all heard the old adage that “it is better to give than to receive”. But do you ever stop and think about what this really means? When you give you actually get more.As a leader, a professional or as a parent you have infinite opportunities to give, to share and to empower others, but do you? Every day you can make a difference in the lives of everyone you touch and you can have a big impact on others’ lives by giving more of yourself. Examples of this include:
- Sharing a warm smile, a nice gesture, a handshake or an embrace. All of these take little effort yet yield incredible results.
- Providing financial support to charities or causes that you believe in.
- Giving your most precious resource, your time. This is often far more valuable and precious than money. People can always make more money, but there are only 24 hrs in each day.
Are you engaged in doing all three of these? If you said yes, congratulations! By helping others achieve fulfillment, you are probably living a very rewarding life as well. As a coach, I have the opportunity to give each and every day with my clients. But so don’t you. Many people offer the first 2 things and then stop. However, remember that giving your time and expertise yields an incredible payback that words cannot always describe. This could be showing your friends, colleagues, employees or even your children how to do a specific task or function, or just listening to someone that is trying to solve a problem. Each of us has the ability to impact the world in our own unique and special way. International Women’s Day– How did you celebrate it? Friday, March 8th was International Women’s Day, and this day and month offer me an opportunity to give back. My activities in support of this celebration are as follows:
- I went to a Women’s Executive Networking Meeting last week on living your life with Clarity and Freedom and personally invited a dozen friends and colleagues to an exciting evening with more than 150 ladies.
- I will be speaking on Tuesday, March 12th at Curry College to female High School students on “How to be a Successful You!”
- I will be speaking on Tuesday, March 26th as part of the “View From The Top, 7th Annual Panel Discussion” at Bentley University sponsored by the Graduate Women’s Leadership Organization.
- I have been selected as a Mentor and will be participating in the 2013 Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association (HBA) Mentor Program. I am very excited to meet with the industry mentees that I will be mentoring for the next 9 months.
Did you do something to celebrate this event? It was the 102nd Anniversary.
What are you doing to give back? It is never too late. Don’t wait, give it a try.
With gratitude and best wishes,
Lisa Sasso, Executive Coach