“We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” Frederick Keonig
We have a few weeks of beautiful summer weather left. After the winter we had this year in Boston, most people are appreciating this ideal weather with sun, no humidity and gentle breezes. So, what can you do, can you recognize it and capitalize on it? (On all of it) The weather, time of year, peoples’ relaxed attitudes, kids being off of school, BBQ’s and most importantly quality time with family and friends. That is absolutely critical. Appreciate what you have!

Having work/life balance is essential if you want to appreciate what you have in your life. If this was your last day on earth would you be satisfied, not only with what you have but also with how you spent your last day? Think about that.
Enjoy every day!
I am a firm believer in working hard and playing harder. That means giving full effort and energy for work while exerting even more effort and energy during your weekends and time off.
See if you can work a little extra on Monday-Thursday and then try to carve out a 4 day work week and a 3 day weekend for yourself. This is a magical experience and a schedule that one could certainly get accustomed to. Many companies are more flexible during the summertime and they can usually accommodate employees taking some Fridays off. There are only a few opportunities for this before Labor Day. Three day weekends can really give you a good amount of time to decompress and help you to feel more energized, rejuvenated and alive.
Remember, in the summer, the days are longer. Now, is the perfect time to swim in a pool, enjoy a bike ride, take an invigorating run or simply stroll around the block, lake or park. There should be less evening meetings and commitments and more time to spend with your families and friends. The people that really matter in life.
Do you recognize and appreciate your time off? Do you spend your downtime with people you care about and doing things that matter to you?
Take time now to appreciate what and who you have in your life. We only get one opportunity on the carousel of life.
With gratitude and best wishes,
Lisa Sasso, Executive Coach & Motivational Speaker