It’s all about family, and how are you doing on achieving your 2023 goals?
“It’s not what we have in life, but who we have in our life that matters.” ~ J.M. Lawrence
April 23rd is my favorite day of the year. Not only is it the birthday of my one and only miracle son, but it’s also the birthday of my “second mother”—my mother-in-law, Virginia.
I call my son John Robert my miracle baby because the doctors gave him just a 50% chance of making it through delivery, due to his critical heart condition. We were prepared for the worst. But when we heard the little squeal that sounded like a baby kitten, we knew the baby was alive.
I got to kiss his tiny head and then they quickly whisked him into the incubator. He had medications around the clock, a heart monitor, and a feeding tube. Now? He’s 6′ tall. I love this boy, and I’ll never forget this birth.
And I’m so blessed to have my incredible mother-in-law Virginia in my life. I don’t know what I’d do without her. She‘s really like a second mother to me—caring, loving, sensitive and practical. I love just hanging out with her.
April 23rd will always be a special day for me and my family. God bless John Robert and Virginia. Two of the most special people in my life.
And every single day, I am grateful for achieving my baby goal. You see, my dream was to have a baby, but it didn’t happen for years until I made it a goal. As you can imagine it was my best goal ever.
Speaking of goals, how about yours? Here we are, already into the 2nd quarter of the year, and I’m wondering how you’re doing on achieving your 2023 goals. If you didn’t set goals this year, or perhaps you did but you’re not sure about how to achieve them, you might want to attend an online workshop. I will be presenting on “Goal Setting for Success with Accountability, Balance and Gratitude” on May 3rd. I’ll walk you through the process for writing goals. We will talk about SMART goals and SMART goals on steroids! You will leave with goals and a framework for writing personal, professional and gratitude goals. Only 8% of people achieve their goals by the end of the calendar year. I’m here to help you to be in that 8%. [su_button url=”” target=”blank” center=”yes”]CLICK HERE TO REGISTER[/su_button]
Also, if you’d like to have a complimentary 15-minute private goal session with me, please sign up HERE. We can talk about your 2nd quarter goals and I can introduce you to my goal process.
Here’s to your success. I hope that you take advantage of the workshop and/or the complimentary session with me.