The right for women to vote in the U.S. culminated in the month of August 100 years ago. The fight for voting rights was finally ratified on August 18, 1920, in Tennessee, U.S.A. Women now can vote, but the struggle for women’s pay equity and equal rights continues. Even in the midst of this topsy-turvy world, we can continue the effort to achieve those rights. We must increase our efforts to achieve jobs and lives that satisfy our well-being. One of the ways to do this is to seek help in finding and achieving the jobs/work of our dreams.

Interview with Jennifer Feltri-George!
Recently, Jennifer Feltri-George interviewed Lisa about how to pursue those goals. What follows is the interview, which occurred on July 20, 2020.
1. Jennifer Feltri-George (JFG): If you were talking to a group of job seekers in today’s economic climate, what would be your top three or four pieces of advice on how to become more marketable to future employers?
Lisa Sasso (LS): Have an outstanding LinkedIn (LI) profile. A stunning “current” photo, a compelling headline, and a well-crafted summary. I would advise, if appropriate, have the job seeker include some examples of their craft. Example: A motivational speaker with a clip on her LI profile or some video testimonials. Companies like to see a track record of accomplishment and investment in personal improvement, professional development, or other educational experiences.
Job seekers need to remain organized. My advice is to follow a to-do list that is prioritized. Job seekers should constantly be networking. Even with the corona virus, they can still network on-line. They can go to multiple meetings that they might not have been able to previously attend in person. In particular, they should look for organized networking opportunities in their field. Make sure that they have well-crafted elevator pitches and, most importantly, remember to smile.
People see faces with video conferencing. Job seekers should always make sure that they dress appropriately; that their hair and makeup are neat and professional. As the sages say, there is only one chance to make a first impression.
2. JFG: Do you have any tips or processes you would recommend job seekers use to prioritize and balance their varied responsibilities, for example, career, family, mental health, budget/income loss, and physical health?
LS: Before one can prioritize and balance varied responsibilities, it is important to assess where they are in each of those areas. There is a coaching tool called the “Wheel of Life” that can assist individuals to do just that. I call it a Personal Assessment in my practice. This tool can be used by a job seeker to measure status in eight different areas of their lives. At that point, coaching can then help visualize where they would like to be. That then leads to prioritizing those areas that might be lacking, leading to a plan for improvement.
3. JFG: How can job seekers overcome obstacles and set “reachable” goals in career planning and personal lives in an economic downturn?
LS: I would recommend performing the steps I mentioned above and complete a personal assessment. Defining a plan for improvement often involves setting goals that then support specific objectives. These goals should align with their values and priorities. The goal setting process itself requires discipline and a structured approach, which in my experience, then leads to “reachable” goals.
I use a method of goals setting called SMART goals on Steroids. It is SMART with the additional ART Goals. These must be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time Bound, while also being Accountable, Resonant, and Thrilling. Using this methodology requires one to flush out obstacles early in the process and allows for more targeted action plans to accomplish the goals.
4. JFG: In your opinion, how can job seekers remain resilient?
LS: Job Seekers can remain resilient by exercising their body and their mind. By exercising daily and taking a daily walk one can really increase endorphins. In additional to physical exercise, exercise your mind by meditating and journal writing. These activities can provide your mind with the quiet time it needs to improve focus.
5. JFG: How can coaching help to aid job seekers and anyone else planning their career?
LS: The methodology I described above to assess one’s life, prioritize areas of improvement, and set and achieve goals is a coaching process that can be helpful to both job seekers and those looking to plan out (advance) their career. In addition to the up-front work of assessment and planning, coaches hold their clients accountable throughout this process and help to ensure they achieve their goals (by following through on their action plans). In addition, coaches can help job seekers are various stages in the job search process, including defining the right job, identifying skill sets, preparing for interviews, and even on-boarding.
6. JFG: Is it possible to coach anyone in any career trajectory?
LS: Yes, it is possible to coach virtually anyone in any career trajectory, but the person has to want to be coached and the family needs to be supportive of the coaching. A certified coach is trained to give assessments, ask probing questions, and to track accountability. I happen to specialize in the Medical Device Field because I have 25 years of experience in the field,
These are my suggestions about how to continue the effort to achieve equitable rights. We can increase our efforts to achieve jobs and lives that satisfy our well-being. One of the ways to do this is to seek help in finding and achieving the jobs/work of our dreams.
Clients looking to land or stay in the Medical Device Field find my experiences are relevant to their situations, and it gives me the insight to ask the right questions. As an Executive/Career Coach, I can help you achieve those goals.
Contact me and we can talk (
With gratitude and best wishes!
Lisa Sasso, Executive Coach & Motivational Speaker (781) 872-1045
As your trusted advisor, Lisa empowers you to use passion to live your best life and achieve your goals with confidence, accountability, gratitude and balance.